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End-to-end performance measurement systems for agri-food supply chains

Code: 9781801468985
Lusine Aramyan, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands; and Jos van Iwaarden, Kearney, The Netherlands

Chapter synopsis:

Globalization has led to increasingly complex agri-food supply chains. This development, together with growing environmental and social concerns, requires enhanced management, planning, and information systems to ensure that individual processes and actors at different points in the supply chain work efficiently to meet increasingly demanding customer expectations. Measurement of the performance of entire supply chains is an important issue because it allows for ‘tracking and tracing’ of efficacy and efficiency failures and leads to more informed decision-making with regard to end-to-end supply chain design. However, the choice of appropriate supply chain performance indicators is complicated due to the multiple inputs and outputs in the system. This chapter reviews how agri-food supply chain performance measurement has evolved. It provides an overview of performance metrics and indicators and relevant trade-offs and discusses several methods and techniques that can be used to measure agri-food supply chain performance.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2023.0122.09

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Table of contents
  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Key performance indicators for agri-food supply chains
  • 3 Performance indicators and frameworks used inagri-food supply chains
  • 4 Environmental and social performance indicators
  • 5 Methods and techniques to measure performance
  • 6 Conclusion and future trends
  • 7 Where to look for further information
  • 8 References

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