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Advances in turfgrass weed management

Code: 9781801465526
Matthew T. Elmore, Rutgers University, USA; Aaron J. Patton, Purdue University, USA; Travis W. Gannon, North Carolina State University, USA; and James T. Brosnan, University of Tennessee, USA

Chapter synopsis:

Weeds are a major pest that reduce aesthetics and functionality of turfgrass systems. Knowledge required for effective weed management has evolved in recent years as weeds develop resistance to herbicides, government restriction of broad-spectrum herbicides has increased, and registration of new herbicide active ingredients has slowed. This chapter discusses relevant and recent developments in synthetic herbicides, alternatives to synthetic herbicides, and non-chemical strategies for weed management including cultural, physical, and genetic approaches. Advances in integrated weed management strategies and barriers preventing adoption of integrated weed management strategies are also discussed. Opportunities for research and development to improve integrated weed management are presented throughout.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2022.0110.11

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Table of contents
  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Current knowledge and future outlook for integrated weed management strategies
  • 3 Current knowledge of integrated chemical and nonchemical management
  • 4 Barriers to integrated weed management among practitioners and how to address them
  • 5 Conclusion and future trends
  • 6 Where to look for further information
  • 7 References

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