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Advances in understanding the genetics of pig behaviour

Code: 9781786769268
Lotta Rydhmer, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Chapter synopsis: Breeding for behavioural traits may improve pig welfare and breeding for high production may decrease pig welfare. Maternal behaviours important for piglet production includes savaging, crushing and nursing. Behaviours of importance for production of pigs for slaughter includes feeding behaviour, tail biting and aggressive behaviour. These are complex traits and large amounts of data are needed for accurate genetic evaluation and selection.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2020.0081.01

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Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Maternal behaviour 3 Feeding behaviour and the consequences of selection for feed efficiency 4 Tail biting 5 Aggressive behaviour between pigs 6 Direct and social effects on growth rate and reproduction traits 7 Characteristics of pigs with high social breeding values for growth rate 8 Conclusion and future trends 9 Where to look for further information 10 Personal communications 11 References

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