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Managing housing and stocking density to optimize health, welfare and production in pig herds

Code: 9781801464307
Isabel Hennig-Pauka and Alexandra von Altrock, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany

Chapter synopsis: This chapter describes major husbandry- and management-related factors affecting health, welfare and production efficiency in different swine husbandry systems. Given the current transformation in pig production, there are several conflicting goals which need to be addressed during design and adaptation of husbandry systems in the future. The following sections deal with the most important areas impacting pig health and welfare such as space, climate, flooring, water and feed supply. Since it is not possible to give a comprehensive overview of all systems the authors summarize fundamental housing requirements which must be achieved in all systems. They also review basic principles in assessing the quality of housing systems. The very important human factor is addressed at the end of the chapter.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2022.0103.12

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Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Welfare and sustainability issues affecting pig production 3 Fundamental housing requirements for pigs 4 Behavioural traits to be considered in planning housing 5 Potential indicators for assessment of housing systems 6 Housing requirements: climate, ventilation, temperature and air quality 7 Housing requirements: pen design, group size, feed systems and flooring 8 Specific housing requirements for sows and suckling piglets 9 Specific housing requirements for nursery and fattening pigs 10 Building-related biosecurity measures 11 The importance of stockmanship 12 Conclusion and future trends 13 Where to look for further information 14 References

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