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Genetics and genomics of meat quality traits in poultry species

Code: 9781786767745
Elisabeth Le Bihan-Duval, INRAE Val-de-Loire, Université de Tours, France; Nabeel Alnahhas, INRAE Val-de-Loire, Université de Tours and SYSAAF, France; Eva Pampouille, INRAE Val-de- Loire, Université de Tours and ITAVI, France; Cécile Berri, INRAE Val-de-Loire, Université de Tours, France; and Behnam Abasht, University of Delaware, USA

Chapter synopsis: Beyond meat yield, technological quality has become a key factor of competitiveness while sensory, nutritional and image qualities have to be preserved in order to maintain the development of poultry production. However, the large usage of poultry meat for cutting and processing has revealed that its quality is still poorly controlled. Thanks to the research work developed over the past 20 years, knowledge has been acquired on the genetic control of meat quality and the selection possibilities. Advances in genomics have also made it possible to progress in understanding of associated biological processes. Like other species, poultry breeding has moved from the age of genetic selection to that of genomic selection, which opens new perspectives for selection based on meat quality. This chapter, which focuses on chicken meat quality, will provide an overview of research work conducted over the past 20 years and possible future prospects.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2020.0065.09
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Genetic control of meat quality 3 Genetic architecture of meat quality traits and candidate genes 4 Input of omics studies for better meat quality characterization 5 Conclusion 6 Where to look for further information 7 References

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