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Grain legume storage in developing nations

Code: 9781838794026
L. L. Murdock and D. Baributsa, Purdue University, USA

Chapter synopsis: Grain legume grain stored after harvest is subject to catastrophic qualitative and quantitative loss. The major cause of loss is storage insects and mycotoxin-producing organisms, which reduce the monetary value of the grain as well as its food value. This chapter describes the various insect control approaches and technologies, both ancient and modern, that have the potential to help low-resource farmers. The chapter specifies the features such technologies must have if they are to be sustainably adopted by low-resource farmers.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2017.0023.13
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Insect pests of stored grain legumes 3 Human need for grain legumes 4 The need for storage 5 Helping farmers with limited resources 6 Historic grain legume storage methods 7 Other grain legume storage methods 8 Use of resistant seed 9 Conclusion 10 Where to look for further information 11 References

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