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Genetic and genomic dairy cattle evaluations in developing countries

Code: 9781786765697
Raphael Mrode, Scotland’s Rural College, UK and International Livestock Research Institute, Kenya

Chapter synopsis: Genetic improvement programmes have delivered huge economic returns in developed countries. Supporting these successful genetic improvements are efficient genetic evaluation systems (GES) for the accurate evaluation of animals on which selection is based. Thus, GES is not only an integral and important component of any genetic improvement programme, but it has direct influence on the rate of genetic progress that is achievable. This chapter discusses genetic and genomic dairy cattle evaluations in developing countries. Following an introduction, a section entitled efficient data collection and storage is provided covering historical perspectives, and the current status of data and data collection in some developing countries (Kenya, Zimbabwe, India and Brazil). Then follows a section on analytical systems for the computation of the genetic merits of animals covering both conventional genetic evaluation systems and genomic selection. The chapter concludes with a discussion on systems for dispersal of better genetic merit.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2019.0058.24
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Efficient data collection and storage 3 Analytical system for the computation of the genetic merits of animals 4 Systems for dispersal of better genetic merit 5 Conclusions 6 Acknowledgements 7 Where to look for further information 8 References

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