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Managing sustainable food safety on dairy farms

Code: 9781838791476
Réjean Bouchard, VIDO-InterVac/University of Saskatchewan, Canada; Helen Dornom, Dairy Australia, Australia; Anne-Charlotte Dockès, Institut de l’Élevage, France; Nicole Sillett, Dairy Farmers of Canada, Canada; and Jamie Jonker, National Milk Producers Federation, USA

Chapter synopsis: Within the dairy food chain, the production of milk is the first phase in a series of steps resulting in dairy food products ready to be consumed. At farm level, it is critical to ensure that good management practices minimize the risk of contamination in order to reach a level of risk acceptable to food safety authorities and to consumers. This chapter examines the criteria used for implementing on-farm food safety systems while producing milk in a sustainable manner. It begins by reviewing the principles, regulations and international standards on which Canadian dairy farms base food safety. We then show how these principles are applied in the Canadian dairy industry in on-farm sustainability programmes. The final three sections review on-farm safety systems to ensure safety and sustainability in the dairy industries of the United States, France and Australia.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2016.0005.23
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 The basis for food safety on Canadian dairy farms 3 On-farm sustainability programmes in Canada 4 On-farm sustainability programmes in the United States of America 5 The on-farm sustainability programme in France 6 Australia’s food safety system 7 Conclusion 8 Where to look for further information

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