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Microbiological safety of vegetable produce: the impact of pre- and post-harvest practices

Code: 9781838798871
Max Teplitski, NIFA-USDA, USA

Chapter synopsis: Over the last decade, fresh fruits and vegetables have been linked to at least a dozen major outbreaks of foodborne illness in North America and Europe. It is becoming clear that sanitation alone will not alleviate the problem of human pathogens in produce, and a systems approach is needed to design comprehensive strategies for ensuring produce safety farm-to-fork. This chapter focuses on the impact of vegetable production practices on microbiological safety of produce. The chapter surveys potential sources of human pathogens in the vegetable production environment, from wild and domestic animals to soil amendments and irrigation water. The chapter then investigates the impact of soil properties, environmental factors, vegetable production and handling practices on microbiological quality of the product. Lastly, the chapter briefly surveys current approaches for controlling human pathogens on fruits and vegetables, using plant breeding, disinfectants and biological controls.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2019.0045.16
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Sources and dispersal of pathogenic bacteria in vegetable production 3 Soil properties that impact pathogen proliferation 4 Vegetable production practices and microbiological safety of pre-harvest produce 5 Impact of vegetable production and handling practices and environmental factors on post-harvest microbiological safety of produce 6 Role of the crop genotype in food safety outcomes 7 Reducing pathogen load with post-harvest treatment of fresh produce 8 Feasibility of biological control of human pathogens in produce 9 Conclusion 10 Disclaimer 11 Where to look for further information 12 References

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