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Mechanisms for transmissions of pathogens into eggs

Code: 9781838790806
Sophie Jan and Florence Baron, Agrocampus Ouest-INRA, France

Chapter synopsis: Salmonella Enteritidis currently represents the major risk of eggborne disease. The frequent association of this bacterium with egg infection is ascribed to various factors, including its spread and persistence in the breeding environment, its long-term ability to colonize the hen’s genital tract leading to horizontal transmission of the pathogen and its ability to reach the nutritious compartment of the egg, the egg yolk. However, egg invasion by S. Enteritidis is naturally controlled thanks to the efficient antibacterial activities provided by egg white, and especially under the specific conditions of temperature encountered during egg formation and hatching.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2016.0012.05
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Microbial hazards associated with egg consumption 3 Vertical transmission 4 Horizontal transmission 5 Secondary contamination: trans-shell penetration 6 The effect of antimicrobial molecules on the behaviour of microorganisms in egg white 7 The influence of the physicochemical and environmental conditions on the egg white 8 Migration and behaviour of microorganisms in egg yolk 9 Conclusion 10 Where to look for further information 11 References

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