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Manure and compost management to maintain soil health

Code: 9781786764133
Francis J. Larney, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada

Chapter synopsis: This chapter discusses the role of manure and compost in maintaining soil health in relation to the use of inorganic fertilizer. It reviews best management practices in using manure and the effects of increased manure use, including resolving problems related to excess manure. The chapter reviews ways of integrating livestock and crop production to optimise soil health, and includes a case study on the legacy effect of a one-time manure application on crop yield and soil health.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2017.0033.28
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Manure versus compost 3 Manure, compost and soil health 4 Manure, compost and inorganic fertilizer 5 Practical implications of manure and compost use for soil health 6 More manure in the future 7 Problems of excess manure 8 Integrated livestock production 9 Case study: the legacy effect of manure 10 Future trends and conclusion 11 Where to look for further information 12 References

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