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Management of rice insect pests

Code: 9781838797249
E. A. Heinrichs, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA; F. Nwilene, The Africa Rice Center, Nigeria; M. Stout, Louisiana State University, USA; B. Hadi, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), The Philippines; and T. Freitas, Universidade Federal Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Chapter synopsis: Rice farmers face many abiotic and biotic constraints in their quest to increase rice production. In conjunction with the introduction of new high yielding drought and flood tolerant rice varieties, increasing yields will require a reduction in losses to insect pests. This chapter discusses current strategies for managing rice insect pests in an environmentally sustainable manner. It reviews integrated pest management (IPM) as it applies to rice cultivation, and includes discussions of the impacts of cultural practices, conservation biological control and augmentative biological control, and the selective use of insecticides. Finally, dissemination mechanisms for rice IPM are considered.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2016.0003.37
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Overview of concepts and options for integrated pest management (IPM) of rice 3 Cultural practices in rice IPM 4 Promoting natural enemies of rice pests: conservation biological control 5 Augmentative biological control 6 Selective use of insecticides 7 Dissemination mechanisms for rice IPM 8 References

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