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Broiler breeding flocks: management and animal welfare

Code: 9781838792275
Ingrid C. de Jong and Rick A. van Emous, Wageningen Livestock Research, The Netherlands

Chapter synopsis: Broiler breeders are the parent stock of broiler chickens. Appropriate management in the rearing and the production period is essential to produce a high number of fertile eggs and high-quality broiler chickens. However, research has shown that current management practices may affect the welfare state of broiler breeders, during both the rearing and the production period. This chapter describes the housing and management of broiler breeders. It then reviews the major welfare issues related to the management of broiler breeders, including feed and water restriction, excisions and the potential for management strategies to have transgenerational effects.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2016.0011.26
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Housing conditions and management in the rearing period 3 Housing conditions and management in the production period 4 Welfare issues: restricted feeding and water restriction 5 Welfare issues: excisions, mating behaviour and quality of feather cover 6 Environmental enrichment 7 Vaccinations 8 Transgenerational effects 9 Concluding remarks 10 Where to look for further information 11 References

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