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Building continuous productive (peri-) urban landscapes

Code: 9781786766366
André Viljoen and Katrin Bohn, University of Brighton, UK

Chapter synopsis: Increased prominence is being given to the essential role that nature and landscape play in cities by contributing to climate change adaptation and mitigation while advancing biodiversity and enhancing the quality of urban life. Evidence also shows that urban and peri-urban agriculture provide one means to meet many of these objectives. This chapter uses urban and architectural design as a frame for exploring potential synergies between urban agricultural activities and sustainable urban development. Focusing on design concepts advocating landscape as an integral element of urban design, namely Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes (CPULs) and Landscape Urbanism, opportunities and challenges for achieving these synergies are reviewed. Reflecting on theory related to urban sprawl and the 'scattered metropolis', the German city Heidelberg and the Japanese ward of Tokyo, Nerima City, are used as case studies for current approaches that cities adopt to develop design-informed strategies for urban and peri-urban agriculture.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2019.0063.07
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Productive urban landscapes: characteristics, issues and challenges 3 New research about finding space 4 Case study: Heidelberg – the urban agriculture park and the productive urban quarter 5 Case study: Tokyo – the re-evaluation of established urban agriculture in Nerima City 6 Conclusion and future trends 7 Where to look for further information 8 References

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