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Biotechnology applications for integrated pest management

Code: 9781838799441
Ruth Mbabazi and Karim Maredia, Michigan State University, USA

Chapter synopsis: An exciting wave of discoveries in biotechnology is revolutionizing agriculture worldwide. Biotechnology tools and applications are offering great opportunities for integrated pest management (IPM) programs in agriculture. This chapter describes biotechnology applications for pest management including pest diagnostic and genetic characterization of pests, molecular breeding for insect and disease resistance, genetically engineered crops for insects, pathogens, and weeds management as well as applications of emerging genome-editing approaches for pest management. These applications provide additional options in IPM programs and in turn help reduce pest damage and crop losses, decrease the use of toxic chemical pesticides, and enhance agricultural productivity, economic growth and global food security as well as improve environmental quality. Successful deployment of biotechnology tools and applications enhance the overall effectiveness of IPM programs. The chapter also highlights policy issues including intellectual property rights, biosafety, regulatory, communication, and stewardship aspects surrounding the access, utilization, deployment and management of biotechnology tools in pest management programs.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2019.0047.34
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Biotechnology applications in integrated pest management (IPM) 3 Policy and regulatory issues surrounding biotechnology applications 4 Public acceptance of biotechnology products 5 Conclusion and future trends 6 Acknowledgement 7 Where to look for further information 8 References

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