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Advances in breeding of chestnuts

Code: 9781838798604
Teresa Barreneche, BFP, INRA, Université de Bordeaux, France; Roberto Botta, Università di Torino, Italy; and Cécile Robin, BIOGECO, INRA, Université de Bordeaux, France

Chapter synopsis: In the two last centuries, diseases and pests from Asia have been introduced in chestnut plantations in both Northern America and Southern Europe, jeopardizing indigenous populations and some local chestnut varieties. The societal demand for chestnut in these countries has considerably increased, and recent developments in the field of tree genome mapping and sequencing open up new perspectives for breeders with different applications which rely on knowledge of the genome. This chapter describes breeding for resistance to diseases threatening chestnut orchards and outlines a French program for breeding for ink-resistant rootstocks. The chapter then examines breeding for resistance to gall wasps, breeding for fruit quality and efforts in Japan to breed for ‘peel-ability’ of chestnuts. Finally, the chapter describes future research trends in this area and provides detailed guidance on further reading.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2018.0042.16
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Breeding for resistance to diseases threatening chestnut orchards 3 Breeding for ink-resistant rootstocks: the French program 4 Breeding for resistance to gall wasps threatening chestnut orchards 5 Breeding for fruit quality 6 Breeding for peel-ability: the Japanese experience 7 Research in breeding as a contribution to enhanced and sustainable crop production 8 Future trends and conclusion 9 Where to look for further information 10 References

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