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Advances and future directions in poultry feeding: an overview

Code: 9781838792084
Velmurugu Ravindran and Mohammad R. Abdollahi, Massey University, New Zealand

Chapter synopsis: The poultry industry has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years. This chapter provides a discussion of the advances and future directions in the poultry feeding. Advancements include defining nutrient requirements, composition and ingredient quality, better feed formulation and the advent of additives. It also discusses the developments in feed processing and phase feeding. Future directions include sustainability, ingredient quality, antibiotic-free nutrition, crystalline and synthetic amino acids, feed enzymes, chick nutrition and growth models. Optimal feed processing and the related hygiene practices are discussed briefly. The chapter then discusses future trends in poultry feeding. The chapter concludes with a section dedicated to further information on these topics, in order for the readers to expand their knowledge.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2016.0011.06
Table of contents1 Introduction 2 Advances in poultry feeding 3 Future directions in poultry feeding 4 Future trends in research 5 Where to look for further information 6 References

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