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Cultivation, production and marketing of organic tea

Code: 9781838796204
Nikhil Ghosh Hajra, Organic Tea and Agri-horticultural Consulting, India

Chapter synopsis: This chapter provides an overview of the development of organic and biodynamic tea production in different producing countries, exploring cultivation practices, the global market for, and trade in, organic tea, and research priorities. The chapter assesses the pattern of yield trend after conversion from conventional to organic production. It provides a discussion of the development of target markets for organic tea, distribution channels and the volume of organic tea traded in the world market.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2017.0036.21
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Establishing and maintaining a new organic tea plantation 3 Maintenance of new and converted organic plantations 4 Post-harvest and manufacturing practices 5 Inspection and certification of organic tea 6 Future prospects for organic tea cultivation 7 Organic tea yield trends 8 Major producing countries of organic tea 9 Major markets for organic tea 10 Future trends and conclusion 11 Where to look for further information 12 Acknowledgements 13 References

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