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Cocoa plant propagation techniques to supply farmers with improved planting materials

Code: 9781838793555
Michelle End, INGENIC (The International Group for Genetic Improvement of Cocoa), UK; Brigitte Laliberté, Bioversity International, Italy; Rob Lockwood, Consultant, UK; Augusto Roberto Sena Gomes, Consultant, Brazil; George Andrade Sodré, CEPLAC/CEPEC, Brazil; and Mark Guiltinan and Siela Maximova, The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Chapter synopsis: The availability of high-performance planting materials to cocoa farmers is an important part of a package of measures to improve the productivity of cocoa farms and thus the sustainability of the cocoa economy. This chapter reviews the methods, advantages and challenges of techniques of mass propagation, with a focus on seed and conventional vegetative propagation (since tissue culture techniques are covered in a separate chapter). The chapter discusses cross-cutting issues to be taken into account when developing a strategy to supply farmers with planting materials. These include availability of source materials, requirements for human resources and facilities, phytosanitary considerations, costs and demand. Finally, the chapter looks ahead to potential future research trends in this area.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2017.0021.11
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Propagation by seeds 3 Conventional vegetative propagation 4 Cross-cutting issues 5 Phytosanitary considerations 6 Predicting demand for planting materials 7 Considerations on estimating costs 8 Future trends and conclusion 9 Acknowledgements 10 References

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