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Chemical control in IPM systems: advances in selective pesticides and application systems

Code: 9781838799540
Graham Matthews, Imperial College London, UK

Chapter synopsis: The European Union has adopted integrated pest management (IPM) as a policy as part of the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive, in which chemical pesticides are used as a last resort. Bringing IPM into the policy for crop protection has focussed attention on using more selective pesticides and especially biopesticides, but to implement IPM well-trained practitioners are required to provide farmers with the support they need to achieve informed pest management. This chapter examines selective pesticides, the importance of dose selection, timing of chemical pesticide treatments and changes in pesticide application technology. The chapter offers an overview of biopesticides, baculoviruses and their application, and the application of bacterial biopesticides. The chapter also looks at the application of entomopathogenic nematodes, release of predators and parasitoids as a form of pest management and the use of pheromones.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2019.0047.21
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Selective pesticides 3 Dose selection and timing of chemical pesticide treatments 4 Changes in pesticide application technology 5 Biopesticides 6 Baculoviruses and their application 7 Bacterial biopesticide application 8 Application of entomopathogenic nematodes 9 Release of predators and parasitoids 10 Using pheromones 11 Conclusion 12 Acknowledgement 13 Where to look for further information 14 References

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