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Processing techniques to optimize digestibility and nutritional value of animal feed

Code: 9781801461801
Charles Stark, Kansas State University, USA

Chapter synopsis: This chapter reviews the effects of feed manufacturing processes on the nutritional value of feed. It discusses the effects of particle size reduction and pelleting on feed digestibility and the overall performance of pigs/swine and broiler chickens.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2020.0083.09
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Methods of particle size reduction: hammermills and roller mills 3 Particle size analysis 4 Effect of particle size reduction on swine performance 5 Effects of particle size reduction on broiler performance 6 Pelleting feed 7 Effect of pelleting on swine performance 8 Effect of pelleting on broiler performance 9 Conclusion 10 Where to look for further information 11 References

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