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Pest management for urban agriculture

Code: 9781786766410
Giovanni G. Bazzocchi, University of Bologna, Italy

Chapter synopsis: Agriculture in urban contexts largely differs from “conventional” and industrial agriculture. Pest management strategies must address a plethora of peculiar factors, such as: proximity to citizens living environments, microclimate and environmental conditions, plot and field size, multiplicity of goals and objectives of urban growers. In this chapter, a first knowledge framework for urban agriculture ecological pest management, which keep together a systemic approach based on scientific ecology concepts and the application of simple and practical tools in a participatory approach, is proposed. Preventive measures based on the concept of plant and ecosystem health, below and above ground environments management, functional biodiversity and urban ecology, and simple biological pest control methods are discussed.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2019.0063.14
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Ecological pest management for urban agriculture: preventive measures 3 Intervention measures: pest monitoring 4 Intervention measures: biological pest control 5 Conclusion and future trends 6 Where to look for further information 7 References

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