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Planting and cultivation of tea

Code: 9781838796112
M. A. Wijeratne, Tea Research Institute, Sri Lanka

Chapter synopsis: Originating in natural forests characterized by warm and humid environmental conditions and nutrient-rich soils, tea’s growth and yield largely depend on climatic and soil factors of the land. Frequent removal of photosynthetically active tea shoots (harvesting) and periodic removal of leaf-bearing branches (pruning) exert physiological stresses on the tea bush, and it is crucial for sustainable productivity and profitability that tea be provided with optimum growing conditions. This chapter examines in detail the process of planting and harvesting tea, including tea’s climatic requirements, planting methods, bush management practices and both manual and mechanical harvesting techniques. The chapter looks ahead to future trends, challenges and potential developments in this area.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2017.0036.08
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Climatic requirements of tea 3 New planting of tea 4 Preparation of the planting hole 5 Planting of tea 6 Aftercare field operations 7 Establishment of shade trees and wind belts 8 Pruning 9 Harvesting of tea 10 Replanting 11 Soil rehabilitation 12 Future trends and conclusion 13 Where to look for further information 14 References

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