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Intercropping in sustainable maize cultivation

Code: 9781838791247
Abeya Temesgen, Shu Fukai and Daniel Rodriguez, The University of Queensland, Australia

Chapter synopsis: As the level of productivity in sub-Saharan cropping increases, driven by technology adoption, the question whether intercropping should still be promoted over sole cropping is not clear. In this chapter, we review the existing evidence on systems productivity, resource capture and use efficiency, between intercrops and sole crops for maize–legume-dominated cropping systems. Findings indicate that system productivity in intercropping systems is more resource-use efficient and productive particularly in low-yielding environments and production systems, that is, under dryer and inadequate crop nutrition. As the level of resource availability increases, the differences between intercropping and sole cropping are reduced, though still intercropping presents advantages over sole cropping in some of the analysed cases.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2016.0002.11
Table of contents1 Introduction 2 Intercropping under different conditions: moisture and nitrogen levels 3 Resource capture and use effi ciency in maize-based intercropping: water, nitrogen and light 4 Competition and complementary interactions in maize – legumes intercropping 5 Maize – legume intercropping evaluation 6 Conclusions 7 Where to look for further information 8 References

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