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Improving organic agriculture in the developing world: Asia

Code: 9781838796648
Sang Mok Sohn, Dankook University, South Korea

Chapter synopsis: Traditional Asian farming methods are often seen as being close to organic production, but there is a need for considerable research and farmer education if the sector is to develop in accordance with scientifically led organic knowledge and to fulfil its potential. This chapter describes key crops grown in Asia and the current state of organic production in Asia, focussing particularly on rice production systems. The chapter examines types of organic rice farming and organic vegetable production. Finally, the chapter deals with the challenge of improving organic agriculture in Asia.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2017.0029.22
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Key crops grown in Asia 3 Organic production in Asia 4 Rice production systems 5 Types of organic rice farming 6 Organic vegetable production 7 Improving organic agriculture in Asia 8 Conclusion and future trends 9 References

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