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Integrated weed management in organic cropping systems

Code: 9781838796563
Paolo Bàrberi, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy

Chapter synopsis: Weed management is a key challenge for organic production. Integrated Weed Management (IWM), that is, the combination of different tactics within a long-term management strategy, can keep weed abundance low. However, successful IWM relies on maximum diversification of the cropping system, which is rarely accomplished. This chapter presents examples of successful integration between preventive, cultural and direct tactics in an IWM strategy. It reviews IWM approaches for difficult cases such as intra-row weed control, the presence of problematic weeds and reduced-tillage systems. Finally, future advances which could promote the adoption of IWM in organic systems are discussed.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2017.0029.13
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Key weed management challenges: intra-row weed control 3 Key weed management challenges: problematic weeds and weed management in reduced- and no-till organic systems 4 Integrated weed management and sustainable organic crop production 5 Future trends 6 Where to look for further information 7 References

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