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Improving water use in tropical rain-fed systems: the situation in India

Code: 9781838796389
Suhas P. Wani, Kaushal K. Garg, Girish Chander and K. H. Anantha, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), India

Chapter synopsis: The quantity of available water and land has not increased since 1950, but the availability of water and land per capita has declined significantly due to an increased global human population. Global food security for this growing population requires careful management of water resources. In this chapter, we analyse the status of agricultural water use in tropical rain-fed areas, assess the potential for improvement and then propose a new paradigm to manage agricultural water efficiently by adopting various land, water, nutrient and crop management technologies.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2017.0037.17
Table of contents 1 Introduction: the challenge of achieving global food security 2 Finite and scarce freshwater resources 3 Rain-fed agriculture: an overview 4 Measures to enhance WUE: overview and soil nutrient management 5 Measures to enhance WUE: in-situ water conservation practices 6 Measures to enhance WUE: irrigation management 7 Future trends 8 Where to look for further information 9 References

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