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Enhancing naturalness and human care in organic animal farming

Code: 9781838796709
Lindsay K. Whistance, The Organic Research Centre, UK

Chapter synopsis: Organic farming aims to produce food in a way that respects the environment, the people and the animals involved. These aims are covered by the principles of Health, Ecology, Fairness and Care. Naturalness and human care are integral components of welfare for farm animals that are managed under organic systems. Naturalness includes allowing animals to interact with nature and so develop resilience to potential health threats. It also includes animals being able to perform natural behaviour patterns that allow them to fulfil wants and needs when motivated to do so. Physiological health and emotional well being are integral to the welfare of the animals as individuals and as a group. Human care ranges from the provision of appropriate environment and management practices, where stockpersons are a friendly ally to the animals, to more intimate care when health and welfare are compromised. Support networks including advisors and veterinarians are important.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2017.0028.07
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Principles and standards of organic farming 3 Naturalness 4 Mutilations and farming systems 5 Measuring welfare 6 Human care 7 Future trends 8 Where to look for further information 9 References

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