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Establishment and root development in wheat crops

Code: 9781838793043
Peter J. Gregory and Christina K. Clarke, University of Reading, UK

Chapter synopsis: Good establishment lays the foundations for wheat yield. Here, we have used the term ‘establishment’ to encompass development and growth prior to the elongation of the main stem. We describe how the seedling root system establishes and then outline how four agronomic practices (time and depth of sowing, seeding rate and soil moisture conditions) affect the initial growth of the plant. We present a case study from Australia on how embryo size and seed mass affects early growth, and conclude with some recent ideas as to how root systems might be optimized in different soils to increase production.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2016.0004.13
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Root development and growth during establishment 3 Crop establishment practices 4 Case study: the effects of embryo size and seed mass on early vigour 5 Research contributions to improved wheat establishment and production 6 Future trends in research 7 Where to look for further information 8 Acknowledgements 9 References

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