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Welfare standards for laying hens

Code: 9781838790950
Andy Butterworth, University of Bristol, UK

Chapter synopsis: Consumers regard animal welfare as an important attribute of the food they eat. Sellers have to pay due attention to animal welfare before selling food like eggs or poultry to people. There are many welfare standards for laying hens and this chapter looks into some of these standards like commercial welfare standards and global standards. The way in which these standards are implemented is important to ensure quality in production and this chapter looks into this important aspect.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2016.0012.23
Table of contents1 Introduction 2 Commercial welfare standards for laying hens: the case of the United Kingdom 3 How are welfare standards implemented? 4 Case study 1: the ‘ Assurewel ’ scheme 5 Case study 2: the ‘ Welfare Quality ’ scheme 6 The use of global standards 7 Where to look for further information 8 References

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