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Whole-farm system models in practice: diverse applications

Code: 9781786765178
Alison M. Laing, Cam K. McDonald, Andrew J. Ash and Diane B. Prestwidge, CSIRO Agriculture and Food, Australia; and Holger Meinke, University of Tasmania, Australia

Chapter synopsis: The challenges of contemporary agriculture are causing farmers to seek models of whole-farm goals, which requires mathematically-based modeling grounded in the latest scientific understanding of animal growth and reproduction, crop physiology, soil and environmental sciences, as well as economics and human relations. Such models are often invaluable tools in the process of undertaking nuanced, multifaceted management decisions at the farm system level. This chapter explores model selection and, through a series of case studies, whole farm modelling in both smallholder systems and single enterprise farm businesses. Finally, the chapter looks ahead to future research trends in this area.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2019.0061.09
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Model selection 3 The development and evolution of a suite of whole-farm models: a case study 4 Whole-farm modelling in smallholder systems: IAT 5 Whole-farm modelling for a single enterprise farm business: NABSA 6 Future trends 7 Conclusion 8 Where to look for further information 9 References

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