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Weed-plant interactions

Code: 9781838794248
Bruce Maxwell, Montana State University, USA

Chapter synopsis: Crops or desired plant species co-occur with undesired species, and the co-occurring species thereby come to be classed as weeds. This human-imposed classification is based on the perception that there is an interaction that results in some negative effect of the weed on the crop or desired species. This chapter offers an evolutionary perspective on crop–weed interactions and examines the nature of shared resource pools between desired crops and weeds. The chapter addresses the effects of direct competition between weeds and crops for resources, the indirect effects of competition and the spatial and temporal dynamics of crop–weed interaction.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2017.0025.02
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Crop-weed interactions: an evolutionary perspective 3 The nature of shared resource pools 4 Direct competition for resources 5 Indirect effects of competition 6 Spatial and temporal dynamics 7 Conclusion 8 Where to look for further information 9 References

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