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Sustainable forest management (SFM) of tropical moist forests: the case of the Brazilian Amazon

Code: 9781786769145
Edson Vidal, University of São Paulo (ESALQ/USP), Brazil; Thales A. P. West, Scion – New Zealand Forest Research Institute, New Zealand; Marco W. Lentini, Nexus Socioambiental, Brazil; Saulo E. X. F. de Souza, University of Exeter, UK and Instituto Ouro Verde, Brazil; Carine Klauberg, Federal University of São João Del-Rei, Brazil; and Philippe Waldhoff, Federal Institute of Amazonas, Brazil

Chapter synopsis: In this chapter we present an overview of forest management practices and regulations in the Brazilian Amazon, followed by a discussion of the benefits and challenges of legal forest management in the region, from private to community-based enterprises. Lastly we summarize the way ahead to ensure the sustainable management of the Amazonian rainforest.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2020.0074.42
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Regulation of Brazilian forest management 3 Good forest-management practices in Amazonian Brazil 4 Private and community-based forest management in Amazonian Brazil 5 Sustainable forest management in Amazonian Brazil: challenges and strategies 6 Conclusions 7 Where to look for further information 8 References

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