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Safe dissemination of germplasm resources of banana

Code: 9781786769442
John Thomas, The University of Queensland, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, Ecosciences Precinct, Australia; Sébastien Massart, Integrated and Urban Plant Pathology Laboratory, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liège, Belgium; Ines Van den Houwe, Bioversity International Transit Centre, KU Leuven, Division of Crop Biotechnics – Laboratory of Tropical Crop Improvement, Belgium; Nicolas Roux, Bioversity International, France; and Kathy Crew, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Ecosciences Precinct, Australia

Chapter synopsis: The relentless increase in human populations and the increasing consumption of bananas as a dessert fruit and as staple food source in many tropical countries, coupled with increasing production pressures due to climate change, have increased the demand for the evaluation and exploitation of new germplasm. This, in combination with increased levels of travel and trade, has increased the risk of widespread distribution of pests and pathogens. Adherence to strict guidelines for regional and international movement of germplasm is essential if we are to minimise the risk of further movement and associated impact on banana production due to pests and pathogens. This chapter addresses the biotic risks associated with germplasm exchange, and the regulations and requirements in place to minimise these risks.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2020.0070.11
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 General recommendations for international Musa germplasm exchange 3 Germplasm from field collections 4 Germplasm from in vitro collections 5 Cryopreservation of Musa germplasm 6 Seed banking 7 DNA banking 8 The need for virus indexing to ensure high health status 9 Virus indexing of Musa germplasm 10 Viruses integrated into the Musa genome 11 Physical shipment of germplasm 12 Regulations surrounding transfer 13 Future trends in research 14 Conclusion 15 Where to look for further information 16 References

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