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Opportunities and challenges in crossbreeding dairy cattle in temperate regions

Code: 9781786765543
Bradley J. Heins, University of Minnesota, USA

Chapter synopsis: Crossbreeding is an old technology; however, when used in today’s dairy systems, crossbreeding can produce profitable results for dairy producers. Interest in crossbreeding of dairy cattle has become a topic of great interest in the last ten years and has developed in response to concerns dairy producers have about fertility, calving difficulty, and stillbirths in today’s genetically improved Holstein cows. This chapter summarizes landmark crossbreeding research at the University of Illinois before going on to consider crossbreeding research in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Ireland and Germany. The chapter includes a case study focussing on crossbreeding with Jersey cows conducted at the University of Minnesota. Finally, the chapter looks ahead to future trends in this area and suggests further reading on the subject.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2019.0058.06
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Landmark crossbreeding research at the University of Illinois 3 Agriculture Canada 4 Crossbreeding in Australia 5 Crossbreeding in New Zealand 6 Crossbreeding with European dairy breeds in the United States 7 Crossbreeding with Holstein, Montbeliarde, and Viking Red cows in Minnesota, USA 8 Case study: University of Minnesota research herds with Jersey 9 Pennsylvania State University Brown Swiss crossbreeding research 10 Crossbreeding in Ireland 11 Crossbreeding in Germany 12 Number of breeds to use in crossbreeding systems 13 Future trends and conclusion 14 Where to look for further information 15 References

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