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Development of plant-derived compounds as biopesticides

Code: 9781786767103
Barbara Thuerig and Lucius Tamm, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Switzerland

Chapter synopsis: This chapter reviews the development of plant-derived compounds as biopesticides. It begins by providing an overview of the legal framework and authorization of plant-derived plant protection products, then goes onto discuss how these products are developed. The chapter focuses on how plant-derived substances with activity against plant pathogens can be identified, as well as the efficacy of botanicals and novelty of invention and IP protection. It also highlights the importance using raw material of a high quality for plant-derived plant protection products. The chapter also provides a section on the extraction process that is used to produce extracts suitable for plant protection products. The chapter concludes by highlighting the growing interest in environmentally friendly produced agricultural products, including plant-derived plant protection products, and also provides potential sources of further information on the subject.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2020.0073.15
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Legal framework and authorization of plant-derived plant protection products: an overview 3 Development of plant-derived plant protection products 4 Conclusion 5 Where to look for further information 6 References

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