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Viruses affecting potatoes

Code: 9781786763853
Colin Jeffries and Christophe Lacomme, Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA), UK

Chapter synopsis: The impact of viruses on potato production can be devastating in many areas worldwide. Breeding for agronomic and resistance traits, knowledge of virus species and their epidemiology, together with the development of accurate diagnostic methods have been essential for the development of crop management strategies, and helped certification programmes worldwide in maintaining high health standards. However, in developing countries, there are still major challenges in achieving these goals and, in particular, obtaining: high-quality seed potatoes, appropriate agronomic skills and cultivars that are adapted to a specific environment. In developed countries the challenge resides in increasing further harvestable yields for seed and ware potatoes to compensate for a decreasing arable surface area. There are more than forty virus species that infect potato, and their differing epidemiology poses a challenge for their management and control worldwide. Amongst these virus species, insect-transmitted viruses are the major cause of crop degeneration worldwide. The chapter addresses in detail the challenges posed by viruses in potato production and the challenges of managing and controlling potato-infecting viruses. It includes a case study on the transmission and distribution of aphid-transmitted viruses in field conditions, and looks ahead to future trends in this area, providing guidance on further reading.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2017.0031.11
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 Challenges posed by viruses in potato production 3 Challenges for management and control of potato-infecting viruses 4 Case study: transmission and distribution of aphid-transmitted viruses in field conditions 5 Conclusion and future trends 6 Where to look for further information 7 References