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The role of certification schemes in sustainable forest management (SFM) of tropical forests

Code: 9781786769046
James Sandom, formerly Woodmark Scheme/Responsible Forest Programme – Soil Association, UK

Chapter synopsis: Forest certification and its impact has proved to be fertile ground for research and study, both political and technical, and a huge number of research articles, papers and books has accumulated. This chapter seeks to offer an overview and of this research, some of the main conclusions that have already been reached about the impact of forest certification and how much it has been able to contribute to the goal of sustainable forest management. Finally, the chapter offers some suggestions as to what modifications could be made to the current structure of global and regional forest certification to ensure that it better achieves this goal.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2020.0074.22
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 The need for change 3 Responses to the introduction of forest certification 4 The development of forest certification 5 Rates and spread of certification 6 Assessing the impact of forest certification 7 Conclusion 8 Where to look for further information 9 References

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