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The role and management of soil mulch and cover crops in Conservation Agriculture systems

Code: 9781786765772
A. Calegari, Agricultural Research Institute of Paraná State (IAPAR), Brazil; T. Tiecher, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil; E. B. Wutke, Research Agricultural Institute of Campinas (IAC), Brazil; L. B. dos S. Canalli, Agricultural Research Institute of Paraná State (IAPAR), Brazil; R. Bunch, Consultant, Brazil; and D. dos S. Rheinheimer, Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil

Chapter synopsis: This chapter discusses the main components of an adequate Conservation Agriculture system and the role of soil mulching within these systems. It highlights the use of different cover crops species to promote live or dead soil mulch cover. The chapter also reviews how cover crops effect aspects such as soil acidity and nutrient availability, soil physical and biological properties, soil nematode control, weed control and grain yield.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2019.0048.05
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 The main components of an adequate Conservation Agriculture system and general aspects of soil mulching and cover crops 3 Soil organic carbon and nutrients 4 Effect of cover crops on soil acidity and nutrient availability 5 Effect of cover crops on soil physical properties 6 Effect of cover crops on soil biological properties 7 Effect of cover crops on soil nematode control 8 Effect of cover crops on weed control 9 Effect of cover crops on grain yield 10 Conclusion 11 References

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