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The impact of climate change on wheat insect pests: current knowledge and future trends

Code: 9781838793272
Sanford D. Eigenbrode, University of Idaho, USA; and Sarina Macfadyen, CSIRO, Australia

Chapter synopsis: Assessments of sustainability of wheat production systems under climate change must eventually include projected impacts on pests, weeds and diseases. Generating these projections is challenging because of the various mechanisms by which climate change can influence prevalence and impacts of these biotic constraints on production are diverse, and data are limited. This chapter reviews the literature on the potential impact of climate change on principal insect pests of wheat, the different methods that have been employed to assess likely impacts, and the gaps in knowledge that exist. It suggests a research agenda to address these gaps.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2016.0004.42
Table of contents 1 Climate change and insect pests: the global perspective 2 Cereal aphids 3 Vector-borne plant viruses 4 Hessian fly and orange wheat blossom midge 5 Cereal leaf beetle, cotton bollworm and other pest species affecting wheat 6 Climate change effects on biological pest control in wheat systems 7 Other considerations: interaction of stress factors, extreme events and pest behaviour 8 Conclusions 9 Where to look for further information 10 Acknowledgements 11 References

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