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The genetic diversity of mangoes

Code: 9781838794446
Noris Ledesma, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden – Florida, USA

Chapter synopsis: This chapter provides a list of the principal mango cultivars, selected on the basis of their local and global importance. The description of cultivars is based on evaluations conducted by Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Miami, Florida. The data reflects some 30 years of research. Description information includes origin and information on tree form and vigour. The chapter also includes photographs of principal mango cultivars.

DOI: 10.19103/AS.2017.0026.03
Table of contents1 Introduction 2 Description of the principal mango cultivars 3 Photographs of the principal mango cultivars 4 Acknowledgements 5 References 6 Appendix 1: list of the principal mango cultivars 7 Appendix 2: photos of principal mango cultivars

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