A selection of chapters in this collection:
Organic beef farming: key characteristics, opportunities, advantages, and challenges: Isabel Blanco Penedo, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden; and José Perea-Muñoz, University of Córdoba, Spain
Beef carcass inspection systems: William James, formerly Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)-USDA, USA
Maintaining the safety and quality of beef carcass meat: James S. Dickson, Iowa State University, USA and Gary R. Acuff, Texas A&M University, USA
Traceability in the beef supply chain: Daniel D. Buskirk and Tristan P. Foster, Michigan State University, USA
Detecting antibiotic residues in animal feed: the case of distiller’s grains: Lynn Post, Food and Drug Administration, USA
Ensuring beef safety through consumer education: Janet M. Riley, North American Meat Institute, USA
Beef cattle nutrition and its effects on beef quality: Christopher J. Richards, Oklahoma State University, USA; and Michael E. Dikeman, Kansas State University, USA
Controversies surrounding the impact of the fat content of beef on human health: Jennifer Fleming and Penny Kris-Etherton, Penn State University, USA
Effects of metabolic modifiers on beef carcass composition and meat quality: John M. Gonzalez, Sara M. Ebarb, Kelsey J. Phelps and Michael E. Dikeman, Kansas State University, USA
Future of DNA technologies for improving beef quality: marbling, fatty acid composition and tenderness: Elly Ana Navajas, Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria, Uruguay