A selection of chapters in this collection:
Advances in marker-assisted breeding of tomatoes: Junming Li, Institute of Vegetables and Flowers – Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), China
Genetic resistance to viruses in tomato: Moshe Lapidot and Ilan Levin, Institute of Plant Sciences – Volcani Center, ARO, Israel
Integrated pest management in tomato cultivation: Robert L. Gilbertson, Marcela Vasquez-Mayorga and Mônica Macedo, University of California-Davis, USA; and R. Muniappan, Virginia Tech, USA
Bio-ecology of major insect and mite pests of tomato crops in the tropics: R. Srinivasan, AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center, Taiwan
Developing disease-resistant tomato varieties: D. R. Panthee, J. P. Kressin and P. Adhikari, North Carolina State University, USA
Insect-transmitted viral diseases infecting tomato crops: H. Czosnek, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; A. Koren, Hishtil Nursery, Israel; and F. Vidavski, Tomatech R&D, Israel
Organic greenhouse tomato production: Martine Dorais, Laval University, Canada
Developing tomato varieties with improved flavour: M. Causse, E. Albert and C. Sauvage, INRA, France
Genetic engineering of tomato to improve nutritional quality, resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses, and for non-food applications: B. Kaur and A. K. Handa, Purdue University, USA; and A. K. Mattoo, USDA-ARS, USA
Improving water and nutrient management in tomato cultivation: E. Simonne, M. Ozores-Hampton, A. Simonne and A. Gazula, University of Florida, USA