A selection of chapters in this collection:
Advances in understanding the environmental effects of phosphorus fertilization: Andrew N. Sharpley, University of Arkansas, USA
Bio-effectors to optimize the mineral nutrition of crop plants: Markus Weinmann and Günter Neumann, University Hohenheim, Germany
Integrated weed management in organic cropping systems: Paolo Bàrberi, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy
Key issues in breeding and trialling robust cereal cultivars for organic farming: H. Spieß, B. Schmehe and C. Vollenweider, LBS Dottenfelderhof, Germany
Maintaining soil fertility and health in organic crop cultivation: C. Watson, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), UK and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden; and E. A. Stockdale, Head of Farming Systems Research, NIAB, UK
New uses and processes for cassava: Keith Tomlins and Ben Bennett , Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, UK
Growing organic apples in Europe: Jutta Kienzle, Independent Researcher, Germany; and Markus Kelderer, Research Station of Laimburg, Italy
Assessing the environmental impact and sustainability of apple cultivation: D. Granatstein, Washington State University, USA; and G. Peck, Cornell University, USA
Weed management in organic crop cultivation: Greta Gramig, North Dakota State University, USA
Cultivating sugarcane for use in bioenergy applications: key issues: Hardev S. Sandhu, University of Florida, USA