A selection of chapters in this collection:
Chemical contaminants in milk: Bernadette O’Brien and Kieran Jordan , Teagasc, Ireland
Managing sustainable food safety on dairy farms: Réjean Bouchard, VIDO-InterVac/University of Saskatchewan, Canada; Helen Dornom, Dairy Australia, Australia; Anne-Charlotte Dockès, Institut de l’Élevage, France; Nicole Sillett, Dairy Farmers of Canada, Canada; and Jamie Jonker, National Milk Producers Federation, USA
Mastitis, milk quality and yield: P. Moroni, Cornell University, USA and University of Milano, Italy; F. Welcome, Cornell University, USA; and M. F. Addis, Porto Conte Ricerche, Italy
Understanding and preventing spoilage of cow’s milk: G. LaPointe, University of Guelph, Canada
Bioactive components in cow’s milk: Young W. Park. Fort Valley State University, USA
Minimising the development of antimicrobial resistance on dairy farms: appropriate use of antibiotics for the treatment of mastitis: Pamela L. Ruegg, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Sensory evaluation of cow’s milk: Stephanie Clark, Iowa State University, USA
Ingredients from milk for use in food and non-food products: from commodity to value-added ingredients: Thom Huppertz and Inge Gazi, NIZO food research, The Netherlands
Proteins of milk: Shane V. Crowley, James A. O ’ Mahony and Patrick F. Fox, University College Cork, Ireland
Detecting pathogens in milk on dairy farms: key issues for developing countries: Delia Grace, Silvia Alonso, Johanna Lindahl, Sara Ahlberg and Ram Pratim Deka, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Kenya