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Beverage & sugar insect pests, plant diseases & weeds collection

Code: 91675
This is the Beverage & sugar insect pests, plant diseases & weeds collection. This collection includes 22 chapters that review advances in understanding and managing insect pests, diseases, weeds and other biotic threats to the cultivation of the following crops: Cocoa, Coffee, Sugarcane and Tea.

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A selection of chapters in this collection:
Advances in pest- and disease-resistant cocoa varieties: Christian Cilas and Olivier Sounigo, CIRAD, France; Bruno Efombagn and Salomon Nyassé, Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD), Cameroon; Mathias Tahi, CNRA, Côte d’Ivoire; and Sarah M. Bharath, Meridian Cacao, USA
Cacao diseases: vascular-streak dieback: David I. Guest, University of Sydney, Australia; and Philip J. Keane, LaTrobe University, Australia
Cocoa diseases: witches' broom: Jorge Teodoro De Souza, Federal University of Lavras, Brazil; Fernando Pereira Monteiro, Federal University of Lavras and UNIVAG Centro Universitário, Brazil; Maria Alves Ferreira, Federal University of Lavras, Brazil; and Karina Peres Gramacho and Edna Dora Martins Newman Luz, Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira (CEPLAC), Brazil
Integrated weed management in sugarcane cultivation: Calvin Odero, University of Florida, USA
Progress in understanding and managing insect pests affecting sugarcane: François-Régis Goebel, CIRAD, France; Julien M. Beuzelin, University of Florida, USA; and Mike J. Way , South African Sugarcane Research Institute (SASRI), South Africa
Recent progress in understanding three major bacterial diseases of sugarcane: gumming, leaf scald and ratoon stunting: Monique Royer, Isabelle Pieretti, and Stéphane Cociancich, CIRAD, France; and Philippe Rott, University of Florida, USA
Viral metagenomics and sugarcane pathogens: Philippe Roumagnac, CIRAD, France; Dimitre Mollov, USDA-ARS, USA; and Jean-Heinrich Daugrois and Denis Filloux, CIRAD, France
Diseases affecting tea plants: G. D. Sinniah, Tea Research Institute, Sri Lanka
Integrated pest management of insect, nematode and mite pests of tea: Nalini C. Gnanapragasam, Former Deputy Director (Research), Tea Research Institute, Sri Lanka; currently Agricultural Tea Consultant - Malwatte Valley Plantations PLC, Sri Lanka
Managing the soil biological community to improve soil health and reduce losses from nematode pests: Graham R. Stirling, Biological Crop Protection Pty Ltd, Australia