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Sheep health & welfare collection

Code: 91661
This is the Sheep health & welfare collection. This collection includes 9 chapters that review advances in understanding diseases affecting sheep and how they can be better controlled.

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A selection of chapters in this collection:
Bacterial and viral diseases affecting sheep: Francesca Chianini, Moredun Research Institute, UK
Humane transport, lairage and slaughter of sheep: P. H. Hemsworth and E. C. Jongman, University of Melbourne, Australia
Improving the welfare of ewes: A. L. Ridler and K. J. Griffiths, Massey University, New Zealand
Sustainable control of gastrointestinal nematode parasites affecting sheep: W. E. Pomroy, Massey University, New Zealand
Understanding and improving immune function in sheep: Gary Entrican and Sean Wattegedera, Moredun Research Institute, UK
Understanding sheep behaviour: R. Nowak, INRA/Université de Tours, France
Improving the welfare of lambs: K. Stafford, Massey University, New Zealand
Maintaining sheep flock health: an overview: Neil Sargison, University of Edinburgh, UK
Validating indicators of sheep welfare: N.J. Beausoleil and D.J. Mellor, Massey University, New Zealand