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Cultivation collection

Code: 91290
This is the Cultivation collection. This collection includes 202 chapters that cover advances in crop management and husbandry techniques, from improvements in planting and seed systems to tillage practices and harvesting. The collection includes good agricultural practices for field and protected types of cultivation.

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A selection of chapters in this collection:
Advances in optimising nitrogen-use efficiency in crop production: J. F. Angus, CSIRO Agriculture and Food and Graham Centre – Charles Sturt University, Australia
Advances in optimizing potassium-use efficiency in crop production: Kaushik Majumdar, African Plant Nutrition Institute and Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco; Meenu Rani, formerly ICAR-Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research, India; T. Scott Murrell, African Plant Nutrition Institute and Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco and Purdue University, USA; Sudarshan Dutta, African Plant Nutrition Institute and Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco; T. Satyanarayana, formerly International Plant Nutrition Institute, India; V. K. Singh, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, India; Jagadish Timsina, University of Melbourne, Australia and CIMMYT, Bangladesh; and B. S. Dwivedi, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, India
Innovations in forest harvesting technology: Woodam Chung, Kevin Lyons and Lucas Wells, Oregon State University, USA
Key challenges in forest management: Donald Grebner, Mississippi State University, USA; and Pete Bettinger, University of Georgia, USA
Towards sustainable plant factories with artificial lighting (PFALs): from greenhouses to vertical farms: Toyoki Kozai, Japan Plant Factory Association, Japan; Yumiko Amagai, Chiba University, Japan; and Eri Hayashi, Japan Plant Factory Association, Japan
Understanding crop responses to controlled climates in greenhouses: Chieri Kubota, The Ohio State University, USA
Tea cultivation under changing climatic conditions: Wenyan Han, Xin Li, Peng Yan, Liping Zhang and Golam Jalal Ahammed, Tea Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (TRI, CAAS), China
Nutritional considerations for soybean meal use in poultry diets: Justin Fowler, University of Georgia, USA
Persistence and yield stability of temperate grassland legumes for sustainable animal production: F. Ortega, L. Inostroza and C. Moscoso, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Chile; and L. Parra and A. Quiroz, Universidad de La Frontera, Chile
Planning and sowing grasslands: David B. Hannaway and Linda J. Brewer, Oregon State University, USA; Steve Fransen, Washington State University, USA; and Glenn Shewmaker, Shannon Williams and Sarah Baker, University of Idaho, USA