A selection of chapters in this collection:
Advances and challenges in apple breeding: Amanda Karlström, NIAB EMR and University of Reading, UK; Magdalena Cobo Medina, NIAB EMR and University of Nottingham, UK; and Richard Harrison, NIAB EMR, UK
Advances and challenges in blueberry breeding: Susan McCallum, James Hutton Institute, UK
Advances and challenges in cherry breeding: José Quero-García, INRA, University of Bordeaux, France; Amy Iezzoni, Michigan State University, USA; Gregorio López-Ortega, IMIDA, Spain; Cameron Peace, Washington State University, USA; Mathieu Fouché and Elisabeth Dirlewanger, INRA, University of Bordeaux, France; and Mirko Schuster, Julius Kühn-Institut, Germany
Advances and challenges in peach breeding: Dario J. Chavez and Rachel A. Itle, University of Georgia, USA; Daniel Mancero-Castillo, Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Ecuador; Jose X. Chaparro, University of Florida, USA; and Thomas G. Beckman, USDA-ARS, USA
Advances and challenges in raspberry and blackberry breeding: Ramón Molina-Bravo, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Costa Rica; Margaret Leigh Worthington, University of Arkansas, USA; and Gina E. Fernandez, North Carolina State University, USA
Advances and challenges in strawberry genetic improvement: Chris Barbey and Kevin Folta, University of Florida, USA
Advances and challenges in sustainable peach production: Luca Corelli Grappadelli, Brunella Morandi and Luigi Manfrini, University of Bologna, Italy; and Pasquale Losciale, University of Bari, Italy
Advances and challenges in sustainable raspberry/blackberry cultivation: Julie Graham, Alison Karley, Alison Dolan, Dominic Williams and Nikki Jennings, James Hutton Institute, UK
Advances in fruit genetics: Ksenija Gasic and Christopher Saski, Clemson University, USA
Advances in the development and utilization of fruit tree rootstocks: a case study for apple: Gennaro Fazio, USDA-ARS Plant Genetics Resources Unit, USA; and Terence Robinson, Cornell University, USA