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Sorghum collection

Code: 91485
This collection includes 28 chapters that cover both the individual crop and key steps in the value chain for crop cultivation, from breeding to harvest.

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A selection of chapters in this collection:
Advanced technologies to accelerate sorghum breeding: Joseph E. Knoll, USDA-ARS, USA
Advanced testing, multiplication and release of new sorghum varieties: Roger L. Monk, formerly DuPont Pioneer, USA
Classifying the genetic diversity of sorghum: a revised classification of sorghum: J. A. Dahlberg, Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center – University of California, USA; and D. T. Rosenow, formerly Agricultural Research and Extension Center – Texas A&M University, USA
Crop management practices for grain sorghum: an overview: M. Djanaguiraman, P. V. V. Prasad and I. A. Ciampitti, Kansas State University, USA
Developing high-yield sorghum varieties: Tesfaye T. Tesso, Dereje D. Gobena, Dechassa O. Duressa, Kraig Roozeboom and Krishna Jagadish, Kansas State University, USA; Ramasamy Perumal, Agricultural Research Center – Hays, USA; and Desalegn D. Serba and Dilooshi Weerasooriya, Kansas State University, USA
Ensuring the genetic diversity of sorghum: Hari D. Upadhyaya and Mani Vetriventhan, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), India
Improving soil and crop nutrition management in sorghum cultivation: David Mengel, Kansas State University, USA
Improving water management in sorghum cultivation: Jourdan Bell, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension, USA; Robert C. Schwartz, USDA-ARS Conservation and Production Research Laboratory, USA; Kevin McInnes, Texas A&M University, USA; Qingwu Xue and Dana Porter, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension, USA
Insect pests and their management in sorghum cultivation: Bonnie B. Pendleton, West Texas A&M University, USA
Post-harvest management of sorghum: B. Tran and R. Hodges, Natural Resources Institute – University of Greenwich, UK